Friday, June 13, 2014

Oslo, Norway - No Kumla, but still a very wonderful place

It was a spur of the moment weekend trip (we booked it on Friday morning and left for Oslo on Friday night) - but it was a place we have been wanting to go to for a long time. Grandma Dix is Norwegian and she makes the most wonderful Norwegian food (Kumla and Kringlas) and we knew we had to make a pilgrimage. Oh...this is the Oslo Opera house and it is stunning - beautiful and also a lovely structure to climb all around.
The Oslo Opera House is meant to be climbed and used as a public plaza. The marble is so nice and the views are fantastic. Also, skateboarders are actually encouraged to use all of the wonderful angles and slopes.
Note: Norway in summer is very bright. VERY BRIGHT. We had to buy extra sunglasses and take time for cat naps because the sun kept shining until well past 11pm.
This is the Oslo Opera House

Oh. And this was breakfast. Smoked fish and three different types of cheese.
This is the Royal Palace
We went to the Vigeland Sculpture Park
It is the world's largest sculpture park that is the work of one single artist - Gustav Vigeland
This is Gustav Vigeland with a bird on his head.
The figural sculptures are bizarre and gestural and dramatic and they culminate in this monolith of figures
The theme of the park is THE HUMAN CONDIITION
This is the Monolith
And this is Brian
Fun fact: Vigeland also designed the Nobel Peace Prize medal
Walking through the neighborhood near Frogner Park and the Viegeland sculptures
A very good donut and kaffe at Fuglen
It was a little bit heartbreaking to watch Brian frantically and exhaustively search for Kumla only to hear that it is usually only served on Tuesdays. I think it is for the best - no way it would taste as good as Grandma's Kumla.


  1. We did search for Kumla...such a fail. BUT Norway was the most beautiful land on the planet.

  2. Looks like such a peaceful, tranquil place. I want to go to there! I especially loved the tall sculptor of the human figures, the Monolith. It was so amazing. Truly a memorable place. Irene :)
