Monday, May 12, 2014


Monaco for a work trip that just happened to be during the Grand Prix. As soon as we got off the bus from Nice, we could hear the loud zooms coming from every direction of the curved and steep streets. The weather was perfect and the water was so blue. We ate italian food on the pebble beach and walked around the tiny city-state. The whole place smelled like flowers and expensive perfume. Brian lost some money at the casino and had some work stress, but drowned his sorrows in wine and snails. Pretty, pretty, pretty good.


  1. Gosh...I wish we could go back and re-live that. Such a beautiful city. And such a gorgeous girl.

  2. This is Irene writing.
    Looks like one of the most beautiful places in the world!
    Great photos which made Joe & I feel like we were right there...& wishing we had been!
    How exciting being there with the race happening & your hotel was something out of the "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous". You two will always have these pictures to look back on & remember and to show your children.
