Sunday, June 15, 2014

To the Norwegian Wood - Nordmarka

We headed out to the Norwegian Wood.
It is so nice. You can just take the city metro northward and suddenly you are in the woods.

The starting point for a nice hike is Frognerseteren. 
The area has a manor house that has a cafe and little ski cabins that have grassy roofs.
Well, this is a Norwegian Wood selfie.
This was a very nice, hot hike
with so many wildflowers
and very bright sun and tall, thin trees that smelled beautiful
Did I mention the wildflowers?
We hiked high above the trees
and we finally came upon the amazing Holmenkollen ski jump
And the beautiful Holmenkollen Chapel - a Lutheran Church
Holmenkollen Chapel
After hiking we headed back to the manor for lunch.
The yelp review that sold us: "Not very often do you get to sit in a building dating from 1891 while eating moose patties and a jelly donut." No, that is certainly not very often that this happens - so...
So, as you do... we had the patties and some salmon and some shrimp.
We also drank this.
And we ate the famous sweet apple cake.
"Mountain Dairy Farm of the Frogner Manor:
Then it was time to leave
but we were very happy. 

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